Prof. Anatoly Vershik
Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg
Lecture 1: April 29, 2019 at 15:30 at Amado 232
Title: Graded graphs and central measures
Abstract: Graded graphs (Bratteli diagrams) as dynamical language; Markov compact of paths, central measures. connection to asymptotic representation theory of locally finite groups, characters as a central measures. limit shape type theorems and generalized law of large numbers.
Lecture 2: May 1, 2019 at 14:30 at room 814
Title: Ergodic theory of graded graphs
Abstract: Principal cocycle, adic structure, theorem of adic realization, absolute (boundaries) for random walks on the groups, combinatorial coding of dynamical systems.
Lecture 3: May 2, 2019 at 14:30 in room 814 (Amado Building)
Title: Theory of filtrations and applications
Abstract: Metric and combinatorial invariants of the filtrations standartness, criteria of standartness, and secondary entropy of automorphisms. boundaries and invariant measures for filtrations; projective limits of the simplices.