“The talks begin on Monday morning and end on Thursday morning.”
- Schedule
- Transportation in Israel
- Technion Map
- Updated Corona Regulations
- Abstracts
- Poster
- Group photo
Interest in specialization of polynomials and Galois groups goes back at least to the work of Hilbert on the inverse Galois problem. This theory has found an abundance of applications in Algebra, Number Theory, Group Theory, and Arithmetic Geometry.
In recent years, the area is blooming and we see striking results that open completely new horizons: The discovery of Hilbert irreducibility properties of algebraic groups, its connection with expanders and random walks, the interrelation with arithmetic-geometric properties of parametrizing varieties, and the exciting progress on the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics.
The conference aims to bring together leading experts and young researchers interested in the area. We plan to leave an abundance of free time, dedicated to informal discussions. We believe that this will encourage the transfer of ideas, techniques, and will foster new collaborations and new research directions.
- Attila Bérczes
- Pierre Dèbes
- Julian Demeio
- Alexei Entin
- Arno Fehm
- Saurabh Gosavi
- Damián Gvirtz-Chen
- Kálmán Győry
- David Hokken
- Joachim König
- Danny Krashen
- Eilidh McKemmie
- Tali Monderer
- Alina Ostafe
- Sebastian Petersen
- Mark Shusterman
- Arvind Suresh
- Olivier Wittenberg
- Umberto Zannier
All the lectures will take place in Amado 232
Gathering and registration will take place in the 8th floor of the Amado Building Faculty of Mathematics