Sunday-Friday, September 10 -15, 2017
The registration is now closed
The Faculty of Mathematics at the Technion is inviting motivated undergraduate students (finishing their 2nd and 3rd year*) to experience research level mathematics in a week of projects. The projects will be mentored by professors, postdocs and graduate students from the faculty. Each group will consist of 2-4 students working on the same research topic. In addition, the program includes social gatherings with the faculty members. Housing, meals, and a stipend will be provided.
(*) Registration is open for students from all departments as well as for master students at the beginning of their studies.
Information about the projects:
1. Mirela Ben-Chen: Smoothly orienting cubes
2. Avi Berman and Naomi Shaked Monderer: Colin de Verdière graph invariant
3. Omer Bobrowski: A generalized random 2-complex
4. Baptiste Devyver: Index of free boundary minimal surfaces
5. Michael Entov: What is the minimal possible number of non-degenerate critical
points of a smooth function on a closed 2-dimensional surface?
6. Nir Gavish and Meliha Sezgin : Numerical analysis in auction theory
7. Ron Holzman: Combinatorial games
8. Michael Khanevsky: Foliation of surfaces
9. Amos Nevo: Uniform distribution
10. Amy Novick-Cohen: Motion of manifolds by surface diffusion
11. Ross Pinsky: Cycles in random permutations
Organizers: Ram Band, Baptiste Devyver and Ron Rosenthal